This is 100% Takashi Torii. Looks like he's one of the main animators on the show if his sakuga wiki page is to be believed.
Date Oct 3, 2014 User Anihunter Rating Safe Score 17
Apologies for the pixel-y quality, that's the problem of the source (which, surprisingly, is the Japanese DVD of the show).
Extensive research (by which I mean, check that hair and everything else leads me to believe that this is Kouno, but I'll leave it as unknown for now.
Date Oct 4, 2014 User duckroll Rating Safe Score 3
Man, this thing has some really cool moments but it also has a lot of really BAD cg...
Date Sep 28, 2014 User Tetho Rating Safe Score 29
The animator is probably this guy who seems to be a pseudonym for another animator :
Date Aug 18, 2014 User chimo Rating Safe Score 0
Why is this rated "questionable"?
Date Jun 27, 2014 User dragonhunteriv Rating Safe Score 0
Great animator, can someone upload his other works?
Date Sep 26, 2014 User Disgaeamad Rating Safe Score 83
Director-kun was even kind enough to confirm that it's Kouno even after they kept it secret on their site for some reason