Effects and explosions should be Hashimoto's work, the character stuff in the middle were animated by Kawajiri.
Maybe the work of Masayuki Sato? Don't really know his work. Toei bros feel free to chime in.
Date Nov 7, 2014 User Habarudo Rating Safe Score 0
Haha looks like you were quick to the draw this time friend. Good stuff from Mir as usual.
Date Nov 6, 2014 User Maderug Rating Safe Score 0
Masami Goto, Yasushi Muraki, and several other great animators worked on this game. Will upload more stuff later. Too bad games in the 90s had really low resolutions. :(
This might the best irano circus ever made.
How much FPS did this one run at? Looks higher than usual.
Does anyone know how the animators maintain consistency of all the complex forms when animating mecha?

I know this is a task for any animation, but it seems particularly a challenge for mecha animation.
pkoduah said:
Does anyone know how the animators maintain consistency of all the complex forms when animating mecha?

I know this is a task for any animation, but it seems particularly a challenge for mecha animation.
From what I gather it's often down to the skill of the animator, especially at high levels like this. There are times when animators will be provided plastic model replecas to help with the process, but some animators can simply look at model sheets and can visualise the forms in their minds eye and animate from there.
These were definitely the parts Studio 4c did.
Date Nov 4, 2014 User Kraker2k Rating Safe Score 0
Economical. Detailed. Nice.
Date Nov 4, 2014 User Kraker2k Rating Safe Score 32