Date May 12, 2014 User chimo Rating Safe Score 27
kinda like rapparu's work

btw, next time you should add some tags to ur upload
ok i found this is the live action version of Ryuugajou Nanana No Maizoukin opening.
you can watch it here:
so i'd add that as copyright tag.
Date May 1, 2014 User kViN Rating Safe Score 89 Hidden 2
原画:大島縁 大島緑
Yeah, they are one and the same.
ponkts said:
Yeah, they are one and the same.
Are you sure? I know sakugawiki has all the Oshima credits in the same page but it's... kind of weird that he'd use both names in the episode if he's the only KA. Him being the AD /and/ AD assistant would be pretty hilarious though!

Oshima Enishi(大島縁) is often taken for Oshima Midori(大島緑) because of the similarity of Chinese letter. So, he(she?) is just making a show out of him(her)self in this episode.
Motoki Tanaka(田中基樹) introduced Oshima in Rewrite Genga page as one person.
That's pretty amazing. Thanks.
Haha, that's really amusing. Thanks for the info.
Date May 11, 2014 User ponkts Rating Safe Score 3
Character Acting in the tags, seriously?
You call this face acting? > o <
...what the hell has the face to do with anything?
that's yuri character acting, it's legit stuff yo
Bring back cool solo OP Umetsu.

Take away any other kind of Umetsu.
Date May 10, 2014 User ponkts Rating Safe Score 0
This is no doubt the work of Aito Ohashi(大橋藍人)!
I think I've seen no one in 2ch's sakuga thread talk about this person. He doesn't even have a page on sakuga@wiki!
Oh, I didn't know that until now. thanks for the valuable information!
Nishigori did the Yoko bit at the end, rest is Hirata
Hidenori Fukuoka - everything till Kimbley's landing
Iwao Teraoka - Kimbley activates his alchemy ~ explosions
Ikuo Kuwana - Ling vs Bradley
Shinichi Kurita - rampaging Envy
Yoshimichi Kameda - Chinese fighters ~ end