Girl on the cliff = Atsuko Ishida. The rest is Obari.
Date Aug 31, 2014 User kViN Rating Safe Score 398
Yamada was confirmed for Yuuko's cut according to BD5's audio commentary
Date Aug 29, 2014 User Kraker2k Rating Safe Score 83
Wait, I thought Obari did this scene.
Anihunter said:
Wait, I thought Obari did this scene.
I'm not really sure which scenes he animated on these episodes, but I think it is likely this was one of them, but I'm not 100%. The Obari Punch in the middle does look like it could be his work. I'll change it and add 'presumed'.
Kraker2k said:
I'm not really sure which scenes he animated on these episodes, but I think it is likely this was one of them, but I'm not 100%. The Obari Punch in the middle does look like it could be his work. I'll change it and add 'presumed'.
Well I didn't see him credited for animation this episode (only direction), so that seems about fair.
Anihunter said:
Well I didn't see him credited for animation this episode (only direction), so that seems about fair.
In this episode he uses the name "Hiromi Gobari" for KA, which is a joint pseudonym used by Obari and Hiroaki Gouda for a few works around that time.
Kraker2k said:
In this episode he uses the name "Hiromi Gobari" for KA, which is a joint pseudonym used by Obari and Hiroaki Gouda for a few works around that time.
Ah, I never knew that. Guess you do learn something new every day.
Is that Colonel Sanders? O.o
JacobYBM said:
Is that Colonel Sanders? O.o
KFC (and fried chicken in general) is popular in Japan
Yeah, eating KFC is a Christmas tradition over there.
Date Aug 21, 2014 User Galap Rating Safe Score 305
Artist is known, was listed in a MAD that I can't find right now.
The scene that I saw this from aas in "Sakufa Mix 18", easily one of my favorite scenes.
Thanks JanEstra. Looked it up. Looks like it is in fact Satoru Utsunomiya. I'm going to take Blue's word for it.
Date Aug 22, 2014 User Jarmel Rating Safe Score 0
Date Aug 22, 2014 User Jarmel Rating Safe Score 0
Glad to see some Birth up here!

Just noticed for the first time that there's a cameo of an Ohm standing off against the God Warrior from Nausicaa. Interesting since Birth came out only a couple of months after Nausicaa.
Date Aug 21, 2014 User Galap Rating Safe Score 108
the last cut is very unusual, especially for its time -- to me it has that kind of rugged simplicity with high attention to physics that's common in 'webgen' stuff, but this is from the 90s.
Date Aug 21, 2014 User osama___a Rating Safe Score 156
Date Aug 18, 2014 User chimo Rating Safe Score 0
Those lines are Hisashi Mori for sure.
Hisashi Mori is credited in the end credits for "sketch animation". So that is definitely his scene.