Date Feb 27, 2023 User silverview Rating Safe Score 6
Rihiro Yamane from 0:09-end?
Tsurumaki main animator for this scene, with help by takabatake, suetake, tano and ishida

masayuki kobayashi did the cut of haruko and the guy at ~1:21
sakugawiki source
Shinya Takahashi?

the cut at 0:26 gives him away the most imo
what are the chances to see animation like this in the new adaptation by Lidenfilms?
0:26 - end should be Muraki. Very Okiura-pilled smoke
I would guess the second half (0:12 - end) is drawn by Hiroyuki Horiuchi (there are 2 cuts edited out of the middle making an animator switch seem more likely)
welcome, vincent. this animator got some potential here.
Another Vincent, it’s looking good
Date Feb 12, 2023 User ken Rating Safe Score 41
Last cut was added in the second version, might also be Hayama's?
Date Feb 12, 2023 User ken Rating Safe Score 164
Umakoshi-san said:
Most of these cuts come from the second version of the OP, which is present from #09 onwards.

Two cuts at 0:06 are BANK from #01 and are also used in the first version of the OP. The final two cuts are also present in both versions of the OP but were probably specifically animated for it.
Date Jun 6, 2019 User Himynameischair Rating Safe Score 82
according to Sakugawiki, this whole part is apparently Makino
Scene still gives me chills so many years later, even without the sound.