Rancho said:
Skip those text cuts:
cut1-3: Shibata (cut2-3 is corrected by second KA and Sakazume)
cut4-7: Iwazawa (2nd KA: cut4 is Sakazume, cut5 is Hiroe, cut6 is Minoshima, cut7 is Tanaka)
cut8-10: unknown
cut11: tokoya
cut12-14: Iwazawa (cut13's 2nd KA: Enokido, cut14's 2nd KA: Sakazume)
cut15: unknown
cut16: tokoya
cut17-18: unknown
cut19: tokoya
cut20: unknown
cut21: Shibata
cut22: unknown
cut23: Shibata
cut24: Enokido
cut25-27: unknown
PurpleGeth said:
1 & 2 (crowd walking), 18 (standing up), 23 (Mashu yelling): Sakazume

21 (snow forest): Enokido

They obviously did more than that but those are the cuts I was able to confirm
Solo by Kazuhiro Miwa : 絵コンテ・演出・原画:三輪 和宏
Rancho said:
c1&c2: Yuzuki Sekine
c3&c4: Ruki Matsui
c9: Kirara Aya
c10&c11: Tomomi Igarashi
paeses said:
Tetsuya Takeuchi as Action AD. He probably corrected the hell out of this.
KamKKF said:
Takeuchi likely corrected cuts 3, 6, and 7.