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Changing this to Kenji Miuma (presumed).

Yong-ce Tu confirmed his scenes and mentioned that they were 'his skeleton with Tate's skin'. Looking at his scenes, you'd be forgiven for believing they were Tate given the traits. Seems like Tate's quite an aggressive AD.

So knowing that, reexamining this with new eyes gives me the impression this is actually Miuma with 'Tate's skin'.

Looking at the kind of shapes you see in Miuma's work - http://i.imgur.com/Whur5Y9.png - it does match many parts of this particular scene - http://i.imgur.com/Pl4yLLa.png. This feels especially true later, too. Although Super is intent on blurring the crap out of smoke, you can also see his distinctive shapes here - http://i.imgur.com/w2iEkzy.png

The action itself, while showing many Tate traits, doesn't actually feel like a Tate cut. The general layout of the action doesn't really fit my idea of the type of action Tate produces.

I'm pretty damn sure this is just a case like Tu's above where it's another animator's work very heavily corrected by the AD.
I never would have taken Tate as someone who heavily corrects others, especially since he himself is often corrected.
ArchedThunder said:
I never would have taken Tate as someone who heavily corrects others, especially since he himself is often corrected.
being corrected by others only indicate the sakkan's approuch, Umakoshi for example will correct even Hayashi(toei's #1 animator) and Shida's animation(there're also other sakkans who corrected shida's extremism in shading)