Hirouchi illustration fits with this sequence but as the style chance, I don't think he's the only animator here. a_u for safe.
Date Jun 11, 2020 User kiwbvi Rating Safe Score 39
i believe it's horiguchi (very likely to be that?) but can't say for sure. hence the presumed tag
no spoilers in the comments, thanks.
Harutimu characters Aditya effects for :24 - end. Impressive work from both.
Kodaira wasn't AD so 0:00 - 0:15 should be his own KA
Sugiura did the last cut
1 cut from 6-7s, and another at 12s confirmed Iso
The cut at 8s (red plane), 13s (snow), 18s (jumping with the rocks) is Keiichiro Watanabe
cut 00:09-00:10 and 00:14-00:15 are insane
I think the 1st 2 cuts are refused from S3 just with the eyes redone

Edit: yeah post #183718
why i cant find his name in ANN Encyclopedia?
Gotta love the reference to Shingo Yamashita's Yozakura Quartet scene at 14s
Mise did this 1 cut while Miyazaki helped him with the photography.
Iruzzu_24434 said:
why i cant find his name in ANN Encyclopedia?
ANN is missing many animators.