They seem so much smaller when he grabs them like that...
Date Dec 14, 2014 User kViN Rating Safe Score 0
W0w, is this some rotoscope TRASH I see here? Why on earth would you upload something that's so BLATANTLY put through the auto-roto machine, effectively insulting the names of all the animator legends on here who animated things hand-drawn and put their entire soul into the process without using cheating methods such as the loco-roto method?
If your joke backfires and it's actually Komatsu using roto again I'll laugh a lot
I'll win either way though since it's still good regardless of the process!
sakugaku said:
It's Ebata.
Ebata wasn't even credited this week.
Date Dec 14, 2014 User duckroll Rating Explicit Score 282
Animated segments from the live action film World of Kanako. Animated by Studio 4C. Takuji Miyamoto, Takuo Tominaga, and Yukari Kaku were credited for "key animation assistance."
Ohira the best among the best, the elite of elites, the genius among geniuses
Feels similar in approach to the Sci-fi Harry OP Ohira directed a while ago.
This was definitely the best episode of the season overall. Best animation and best story. Everything else was terrible. Timing issues are present but decent overall.
Date Dec 2, 2014 User Tsuka Rating Safe Score 27
Opening by Ben Li (Space Dandy, Black Dynamite, Motorcity) for Catsuka tv show on Nolife channel.
Date Dec 2, 2014 User Tsuka Rating Safe Score 5
Opening by Sylvain Magne and Animation Squad studio for Catsuka tv show on Nolife channel.
Date Dec 2, 2014 User Tsuka Rating Safe Score 21
Ident by Kosal Sok (Wakfu) for Catsuka tv show on Nolife channel.
Date Dec 2, 2014 User Tsuka Rating Safe Score 27
Ident by Merwan Chabane for Catsuka tv show on Nolife channel.
Date Dec 2, 2014 User Tsuka Rating Safe Score 17
Ident by Davy Durand (Ernest & Celestine) for Catsuka tv show on Nolife channel.
Date Dec 2, 2014 User Tsuka Rating Safe Score 16
Ident by David Routhier for Catsuka tv show on Nolife channel.