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Takahashi never fails to impress.
This is really nice, just wish it did a better job of showing off how powerful they are.
I love how dynamic poses are!
Why "presumed"? It's Takahshi isn't it? Also you forgot the "fighting" tag on this and the Gohan vs Toppo fight as well. Fixed it for ya.
Takahashi and Shida need to work together more often. They're a match made in heaven.
The episode was a huge disappointment compared to 114, ( in my opinion of course,eh ) but i think this scene was good =)
Adogeandthedoge said:
The episode was a huge disappointment compared to 114, but i think this scene was good =)
I actually believe this is even better than ep. 114. We finally got some pure animation from Taka himself.
qwack said:
Why "presumed"? It's Takahshi isn't it?
Per the site's guidelines:

presumed - Use when you know with reasonable accuracy that it might be by particular animator. If you ever get confirmation, leave a message in the reply box as to where you found it.
Sometimes I'll oust the presumed tag if it's painfully obvious, but you're not meant to, really. I just left these as 'presumed' since I DM'd him for confirmation.
Ajay said:
Per the site's guidelines:

Sometimes I'll oust the presumed tag if it's painfully obvious, but you're not meant to, really. I just left these as 'presumed' since I DM'd him for confirmation.
Oh. I was confused so that's why I asked.
The pose of vegeta when did the Garlick gun and jiren when received a kick looks like similar to Kanada pose, i like it!