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Source 作画@wiki : "12:ヘリから降りた後、敵に囲まれるところからナブーと岩畑が敵を倒すところまで(DVDコメンタリーより)"
HIGANO said:
Source 作画@wiki : "12:ヘリから降りた後、敵に囲まれるところからナブーと岩畑が敵を倒すところまで(DVDコメンタリーより)"
I originally tagged from Makino's sakuga wiki page
this is stating Kagura's action with her sword while Gotoh did the part before with the two guys
kyouray said:
I originally tagged from Makino's sakuga wiki page
this is stating Kagura's action with her sword while Gotoh did the part before with the two guys
Oh my bad, sorry for confusion
no worries, my fault for not including my source