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Venla Linna (lead)
Alvise Zennaro
Jacob Matthess

FX Animation:
Louves Karnas
Tony Unser
Erwin Rieffel
Paul Bouchart
Andrew Stadler

(not tagging anybody because it's impossible to discern who did what across the mulitple posts)
Full Animation Credits from the site, it's worth including the board artists and such.
Animation Lead: Venla Linna
Beatboards: Ninoc
Storyboards: Ninoc, Kevin Molina Ortiz, David Chambolle
FX Design: Olivier Malric
2D Character Layout: Venla Linna, Jacob Matthess
2D Animation: Venla Linna, Alvise Zennaro, Jacob Matthess
FX Animation: Louves Karnas, Tony Unser, Erwin Rieffel, Paul Bouchart, Andrew Stadler
2D Animation Assist: Paola Costigliola, Jessica Teare
Also, comparison of materials posted by one of the CG artists here:

0:06.1 - 0:07.6 Jacob Matthess
0:12.7 - 0:14.5 Venla Linna
0:14.6 - 0:18.3 Tony Unser (fx)
0:23.4 - 0:25.7 Tony Unser (fx)
0:27.0 - 0:29.1 Tony Unser (fx)
Tony Unser posted his work here


The animator I confused for guz or Untoro initially is Paul Bouchart, who is undoubtedly in this post