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Is him an Ota student? They seem to have work together in that Gegege no Kitaro movie.
Pimpollo said:
Is him an Ota student? They seem to have work together in that Gegege no Kitaro movie.
he is (was?) initially a soty student.
He's a class above Kashiwaguma/Hirota/Liu/Iida.
Through working under Ota on Kitaro he seemingly got very influenced by him
What an incredible way to debut in OP
This is one of my fav op cuts in a while
‪Line work reminds me of Ota, makes sense because he’s been working with him lately. Looking forward to what they do next, awesome debut!‬
Nice work by shinnosuke tanaka

Also the cut around 0:34.6 remind me of Hakuyu Go scene from Fate/Apocrypha #22 around 0:51.7
Pimpollo said:Is him an Ota student? They seem to have work together in that Gegege no Kitaro movie.
Woah, How interesting, where do you get so much information about whether one animator is another's student?
Sanguchito said:
Woah, How interesting, where do you get so much information about whether one animator is another's student?
through interrogation and blackmail
Here to state the obvious that the drawing at 1:05.9 is very very good