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All the individual details on each of them as they get back up are so wonderful.
it seems he used a new PN, last cut got confirmed through this but i imagine he did the preceding cuts too https://twitter.com/pinuett/status/1771587491314688494?s=46&t=43dVXbUqlhJ8RCv9bIzkAw
chii said:
it seems he used a new PN, last cut got confirmed through this but i imagine he did the preceding cuts too https://twitter.com/pinuett/status/1771587491314688494?s=46&t=43dVXbUqlhJ8RCv9bIzkAw
Actually, it seems likely that the credits are in order, in which case the cuts of the hands should be Tomita and then everyone falling over should be Takako Takahashi.
they are in order, pretty certain. although i probably should have looked at the other cuts closer on this post before removing the au tag. kagawa confirmed he did only 1 cut and it would be the one that appears right after sawa's part and before sugizono
can't read korean but looks like interesting commentary

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Credits are in order.
Tomita -> Takahashi -> Eri Irei