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Yo I can't believe Pokemon looks this good now where was this when I was a kid...
It was called Dragon Ball Z back then.
You guys talking childhood shows + sakuga animation bring to mind:
I think Hiroyuki Imaishi would direct the fuck out of a Yu-Gi-Oh duel. All the efficient, limited, but clever and fun-to-look at animation surrounding two people standing across from each other as their monsters attack one another and traps are activated. :)
where is yasushi ?
he was an incredible animator
hgfdsahjkl said:
where is yasushi ?
he was an incredible animator
He's the CAD for pokemon movies and he also designed the Ni no Kuni movie
dragonhunteriv said:
He's the CAD for pokemon movies and he also designed the Ni no Kuni movie
thanks ,I hope to see him doing key animation again
but it's good to know he is well regarded