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which part is vincents?
Yusopp said:
which part is vincents?
It’s a presume so it’s not confirmed he’s actually here, but I think he was tagged because of 0:16-0:20 based on the effects, and maybe the last cut.
Vincent did 2 cuts in here, LO Only. I agree with Yoshi. Those 2 cuts look like him
MuddyYoshi said:
It’s a presume so it’s not confirmed he’s actually here, but I think he was tagged because of 0:16-0:20 based on the effects, and maybe the last cut.
thought so, was quite modest for Vincent compared to his other works so it was hard to tall
Yusopp said:
thought so, was quite modest for Vincent compared to his other works so it was hard to tall
the show started production about 5 years ago