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Chansard truly did all Kaido forms.
Chansard never not going hard in the paint
Honestly some of my favourite work he’s done.
i will miss vincent chansards kaido
Truly the guy who defined anime Kaido for me, great that he did his life story too
The comp is so good as well jesus
Man, when I first saw Chansard on One Piece, I thought he was unreal but he'd be like one of those guys who do big bursts of animation every so often and then go back into hiding. Boy, was I wrong! Fucking love Vincent, dawg.
holy shit vincent really is the kaido animator
Vincent's style adds so much weight to the character acting. Part of me wishes he got to do more scenes like this...
Why does this remind me of Ishitani?
Josuetopanime said:
Why does this remind me of Ishitani?
Probably because of the lighting, on top of that with great animation too
I think they knew what they were doing by giving Vincent work to do this part
Vincent always knows how to make Kaido look so fricking epic! I really loved this scene!