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Seems like the pencil teleporting was thought of after the genga
Beqn said:
Seems like the pencil teleporting was thought of after the genga
That or it’s a mistake we’ll see corrected in the blu-ray, but it certainly feels intentional. if it is a mistake, it isn’t distracting in the slightest and still fits very well
MuddyYoshi said:
Beqn said:
Seems like the pencil teleporting was thought of after the genga
That or it’s a mistake we’ll see corrected in the blu-ray, but it certainly feels intentional. if it is a mistake, it isn’t distracting in the slightest and still fits very well
I don’t think it’s a mistake based on the monologue specifically talking about teleportation at the exact moment.
Forgot about that, lol. In that case, it's a neat little detail
Also cool to see that in the final version the sleeve was removed, so I'm guessing Niinuma re-drew the rest of the hand?