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If anyone knows, does finizio just do the effects animation and then everything else is cgi? Or does he also do some kind of 2D animation for the 3D animators to follow?
Rishab said:
If anyone knows, does finizio just do the effects animation and then everything else is cgi? Or does he also do some kind of 2D animation for the 3D animators to follow?
I believe the effects and some the detailing on Vulture are 2D, rest is cgi. A lot of the webs throughout the film are done in 2D with Grease Pencil in Blender, if I recall right
Yep, Nicola did the 2DFX here (explosions, smokes, Miguel's webs) and the linework on Vulture is a mix of procedural CG with 2D. It's different from Spencer Wan who did 2D previs for character animation
Ohhh Alr thank you guys. Also yeah I think I was assuming everyone did some kind of 2D previs like Spencer Wan did.