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2d crowd is always cool
In that first cut, the background layer is panning is faster than Geto and the other pedestrians are walking (and those pedestrian layers aren’t walking at a uniform enough speed either). If you remove the crowd, Geto would be skating down the sidewalk. I think that’s the main reason why this shot throws me off, and I hope they adjust it for the blu-ray

I also found the mobs also just being 2d cards bouncing in place in a lot of these shots was pretty distracting. That being said, it’s a decent attempt to do the background extras cheap without cgi, and doesn’t fully ruin this sequence for me. The character acting (both animation and VA) carry the scene.

Cgi crowds just wouldn’t fit with this art style
MuddyYoshi said:
In that first cut, the background layer is panning is faster than Geto and the other pedestrians are walking (and those pedestrian layers aren’t walking at a uniform enough speed either). If you remove the crowd, Geto would be skating down the sidewalk. I think that’s the main reason why this shot throws me off, and I hope they adjust it for the blu-ray

I also found the mobs also just being 2d cards bouncing in place in a lot of these shots was pretty distracting. That being said, it’s a decent attempt to do the background extras cheap without cgi, and doesn’t fully ruin this sequence for me. The character acting (both animation and VA) carry the scene.

Cgi crowds just wouldn’t fit with this art style
As Geth would put it, it seems quite “economic”.