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00:00 - 00:02 Boya Liang (2 cuts) (with Jingyi Guan for the first cut)
00:02 - 00:03 Lu Quiang (1cut)
00:03 - 00:08 Zhang Jinxuan
00:09 - 00:10 MicAO_z (2 cuts)
00:10 - 00:12 Curie Lu (3 cuts)
00:12 - 00:12 Curie Lu (with Vincent Chansard for the FXs) (1 cut)
00:13 - end Curie Lu (1 cut)
00:11 - 00:12 Vincent Chansard 1 cut Fire descending
First cut Boya Liang LO, Jingyi Guan did 2KA and drew the reflection for the earring