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Oh,He combined the classic shots very well!
FierceAlchemist said:
This guy really loves his smears. Very impressive showcase here.
Gibson said:
Guys, I think there are yutapon cubes here. I'm not sure tho.
khwan said:
That dog lmao.
NakamuraSakura said:
This person worked on this animation with his friends for the last 4 years. They're / were college students.
francesco said:
0:59 is a clear inspiration to https://www.sakugabooru.com/post/show/208545 0:13, awesome
Rest of the OG comments are on post #215665
This might be one of my favorite post of all time, but my only issue is how fast it is. If it were slowed down just a bit, it would be perfect
Can't wait to see this young lad go places, incredible
is this dude ever going to do anything else?