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That rotation was really truly for the flex (and I take it)
I swear Vincent must have 5 extra arms on him. His cuts are out of this world
From 0:04 to 0:21: Lise Legier
did chansard get help from lise legier or was 0:04 to 0:21 all done by lise by himself?
lise legier is great too hope to see more of his work
dpat2303 said:
did chansard get help from lise legier or was 0:04 to 0:21 all done by lise by himself?
hiyoo, Lise here. the cuts were done on my own, under Vincent's supervision and with his invaluable guidance !
Acting de fouuu, merci pour votre travail Lise et Vincent !
Great work Lise, your background animation here was absolutely incredible. Loved the way you animated the petals forming around Luffy's fist too.
Damn. Just damn.

Great, great, great job, Vince and Lise.
I feel like Vincent has studied a lot of the old Disney animators. I say this all the time, his shape and volume control is unreal.

Lise popped off too! The background animation was really really cool!
woah that talking animation is so SMOOTH, they could've easily gotten away with the 3-4 frame lip flaps but they didn't