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Coneanne said:
Toshiyuki Inoue: Cuts 326 - 426

From “AKIRA PRODUCTION REPORT:全リテイクシーン&原画マン詳解”
I think information in Production Report is not quite correct.

I read this interview with Koji Morimoto: http://www.style.fm/as/01_talk/morimoto03.shtml

森本 たかしさんが、最初に3カットぐらいサンプルの原画を描いたんだよ。それを見て迷ったんだよね。それがあまりにもディズニーっぽかったんで。「ええっ、この作品はこっちに行くの!?」ってね。
小黒 ディズニー調というのは、つまり、伸び縮みが入っていたって事ですか。
森本 そうそう。オーバーアクション気味のリアクションもあって。それは、本編でも1、2カット使われているんだけど――鉄雄が24号とぶつかって倒れて、向こうの方で炎が上がって、金田達がやってきて、バイクを降りて駆け寄る、という場面。あそこが、たかしさんが最初に提示した『AKIRA』の方向性だったんだ。方向性と言うか……「こっちへ行くのか」と戸惑った。で、戸惑ったまま、分からないで終わったという感じ。
Morimoto: At the very beginning [of production], Takashi-san [Nakamura] drew about three cuts as a test. I looked at them and was disappointed. It looked too Disneyesque. I thought, "Is this what the movie is going to look like?"

Oguro: By "Disneyesque" you mean that there was "squash and stretch"?

Morimoto: Yes, that's right. On top of that, the "acting" of the characters reeked of overacting. It was in one or two cuts of the movie - the scene where Tetsuo hits 24 (he forgets Takashi's [character's] real number, I think) and falls down, a fire appears, and Kaneda and the others arrive, get off their bikes, and run up to him. That was the first time Takashi-san presented the direction of Akira's animation. About that directing... I was confused by it: "Are we going this way?" I was confused and didn't understand it.
Inoue confirmed that the 348 cut (explosion) was animated by Nakamura: https://twitter.com/181ino/status/1150079933076520961?s=09
He also mentions that this cut was drawn as a test at the beginning.

Btw, the flames and smoke in cuts 357-358 that Morimoto talks about don't look like Inoue's style at all.

To sum up, I think some cuts (or parts of cuts) in this sequence were actually animated by Nakamura: 0:07-0:11, 0:14-0:25, 0:36-END.

If I mistranslated something, please correct me.