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Just a general note, since I wasn't sure how else to note about this. This was cut from the Japanese cut of Episode 2 and is only present on the French based-cuts. The Japanese version and French version occasionally have exclusive animation between the two, as well as scenes being cut differently (so some scenes are shorter or longer between the two cuts). The first 7 or so episodes have by far the most changes in the series, in particular. As to why this was removed, I'm unsure.

Most of the weird day dream/tripping sequences by Esteban got removed from the Japanese cut, but this episode, in particular, has a really impressive cut removed as a result, and frustrating to see whoever animated this not get their cut shown for the Japanese airing.

Further frustrating, it's hard to say who animated what (or if they got credited that worked on this cut), as while we do have the episode credits for Episode 2, NHK's policies once again, rear their heads and just credit everyone under generically "Animation".

EDIT: Thanks again to help of Pilo, we did figure out the animators:

小林慶輝 本木久年 種本武美 練木正宏 all appear to be responsible for the Key Animation produced in the episode, while 岡田敏靖 (Toshiyasu Okada) is responsible for the Animation Direction of the episode. Okada likely did some animation on the episode as well, given NHK has a policy to not re-credit people more than once.
Instead of writing episode 2 please write #02, thanks.
KamKKF said:
Instead of writing episode 2 please write #02, thanks.
Looks like the moderator approved it corrected it. Apologies for that!
that would be me, no problem.