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The storyboard of this scene has good angles, the way they hit the second floor protection bars as the Gojou disappears and appears... it's very well executed. (And the pacing is intense and the same as K1ro, who comes right after) And another thing, Sayaka Koiso's Jujutsu scenes were the best she's ever done, her other sakugas are too short to determine how good she is.
Did these get reuploaded because of Blu Rays or something?
Karma110 said:
Did these get reuploaded because of Blu Rays or something?
Her work was split, and has been edited together.
Shaymincar said:
Her work was split, and has been edited together.
Do you know when the Blu rays are releasing?
chrisrey said:
Do you know when the Blu rays are releasing?
The blu-ray that includes this sequence was released in January.
Shaymincar said:
The blu-ray that includes this sequence was released in January.
But no one is talking about it, and people usually do comparisons for it, I dont think it has released yet
chrisrey said:
But no one is talking about it, and people usually do comparisons for it, I dont think it has released yet
Every volume has been released, it's just that the Jujutsu Kaisen BD's have no corrections outside of the final 2 volumes (which are minor even then.)