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isn't this a fan animation
why did this epic layout get replaced by cgi
chiearlymorning said:
why did this epic layout get replaced by cgi
probably no time
epicgamer said:
probably no time
can they fix it in the bluray?
Yaegerist-15 said:
can they fix it in the bluray?
No, pero se puede mejorar, eso si, pero la animación es raro que la cambien por otra, para mi así esta buena, pero estaría bien que la mejoraran en el blu ray para disfrutarlo aun mas.
Sebastian said:
No, pero se puede mejorar, eso si, pero la animación es raro que la cambien por otra, para mi así esta buena, pero estaría bien que la mejoraran en el blu ray para disfrutarlo aun mas.
well it was the last Levi fight and kinda underwhelming I hope they do this
Honestly this whole situation is just upsetting at this point... The schedule in the last 3 seasons was already fuck-all, but this is actually inhumane...
Especially considering the staff this season are pretty damn amazing and talented, being reduced to the shitfest that is this season's production under such circumstances genuinely hurts me...
It is a real shame when you consider that this is it. This is the last major Levi fight. These chapters will never be animated again, at least not in my lifetime.
oriolvp_ said:
Just because they are being smart and use CG it doesn't mean they are in even worse circumstances than the previous seasons.

A friendly reminder that during S1 they aired several epsiodes on TV without finishing the coloring and just straight up missing cuts and scenes with lower framerate than it should.

Then it was polished/finished on the blurays.

Check out this comparasion
First of all, they only have 8 months to animate this entire season and that was scheduled before the pandemic started. So they lost even more time to work on it and were hoping for a delay but the committee refuses. With 8 months and a very hard to work with character design, none of Mappa's freelancers were willing to work on the project so they went with the more expensive route which is CG. If people think CG is cheaper than 2D they're wrong. It's more expensive but it saves time. Now why in the hell would they change it in Bluray after spending so much money on the CG? Especially since the bluray sales for AoT is so low in Japan it didn't even turn a profit. Unlike season 1 where the franchise hits peak sales in both manga and the bluray which is why they polished it. And also the bluray is going to be released in May, they don't have time to do any changes except some character design.
Now it has hit rock bottom, discarding good 2D animation, because of Lack of time, Damn producers.
oriolvp_ said:
Just because they are being smart and use CG it doesn't mean they are in even worse circumstances than the previous seasons.

A friendly reminder that during S1 they aired several epsiodes on TV without finishing the coloring and just straight up missing cuts and scenes with lower framerate than it should.

It was polished/finished on the blurays but it still speaks volumes about how the production was at the time.

Check out this comparasion
You're assuming a whole lot of shiz and throwing a lot of big words when I literally never said it was "worse" or even implied it specifically, but you like to stretch it don't you? ;)

What I mean is even if the production hasn't completely collapsed yet, you still gotta consider that even with all of the countless compromises that they're taking for this season, it is still melting pretty damn badly. And I can BET that if the production followed suit without those compromises the whole thing would have collapsed barely even half way through... And this is only a 1 cour season for god's sake.. It is not even comparable no matter how terrible the conditions of the past seasons were, this is just as bad and leaning towards the more problematic side of things for something so loosely tied together slowly falling apart.

I'm just clearing it up, I'm damn well knowledgeable about what is going on behind the scenes since I.G port, you don't need to "inform" me, I've been long in the industry to know... AoT always had terrible conditions and it's a no brainer, but when you combine that with a sudden studio change thrown at staff to work on under a very near deadline without any possibility of delays or such to certain greed from a certain committee, even good work left unused due to such compromises... That's what I meant by "inhumane".

EDIT: Just a heads up, I think the overall product we got is pretty decent either way, but that's not really the main topic here...
Tho honestly especially with first half of the season I think is great, aside from some inconstancies in episodes 5 and 6 with off-model drawings, but that could easily be fixed in the Blu-rays if they want to.
oriolvp_ said:
I didn't mean to sound arrogant or bash you or anything, so lets be chill. I said that because you said " the other seasons' schedule was already fuck-all but this is actually inhumane" which sounds like you are saying that now its much worse than before, and I assumed you said that because they replaced the LO with CG, which in my opinion is a much smarter choice than what they did in previous seasons, at least from a production stand point.

Mainly because the titans look consistent without having to do the clean up of the LO, which im sure it helps a lot, thats why I think its a smart move, even if it sucks that the final product isn't as interesting as it was envisioned at first.

Just wanted to correct you, if you already know or I misunderstood then no problem, its all good.
Nah it is cool homie, I'm just messing with ya ;)

Tho yeah I absolutely agree with you, using CGI was definitely the best move they could have done and it frankly kinda single handedly in many ways "saved" this production... But that's also why I said inhumane, because they had to resort to such lengths and compromise on many other aspects of this adaptation, yet the schedule still melted clearly and everyone involved with the production process is going through hell... Hence inhumane because IF they didn't use CGI, OH BOY, this situation could have been easily way worse...

Thankfully, it ain't all that worse, especially out of the other seasons, heck, melting in the last three episodes of a season is quite normal in AoT standards, which is a sad thing to say on itself... But the situation is so much more weird and troubled, with tackling a project already this demanding under impossible deadlines and a pandemic...

My hopes go to the follow up of this season, whatever it is. I just want to see a clear and a passion filled polished vision from Hayashi and everyone involved without any ridiculous time constraints for once :P
Wouldn't the follow up be just as poorly scheduled if not worse? Considering the cliffhanger they're gonna end this part on they'll want to get the sequel out asap
I mean supposedly the rush was for it to coincide with the manga's end, with that out of the way can't see much monetary reason to attempt this madness again. I'm sure Kodansha will find a way to fuck it up though :)
key-to-balance said:
This whole season Beast Titan was CG, why would they suddenly switch it for 2D? That's like changing their whole aesthetic and admitting on screen that they didn't have time for 2D in the other parts of the season.
They already switch to 2d in certain scenes and final ep straight up had no cg titans so who cares, everyone and their mom (even studio war brainlets) know this production is f*cked nothing to admit or hide