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the way the breakdowns are can only be Chiba, not even considering the art, if this isn't her I'm willing to get owned along side you lol. Absolutely incredible scene.

EDIT: Mr. Blou deleted his top comment so I will be going down on the ship ALONE (Even though Chiba is confirmed involved here)
wow wowo wowow owowowowo
that's incredible
I have a feeling her sunrise cohort eiji nakada helped with some cuts here. I mainly say that because he's also credited at the top alongside Chiba and is nowhere to be found elsewhere in the movie imo

edit: yes, this is the case
referring to clip from 0:30 to 0:48 in case bahi deletes the tweet as usual
(this is eji nakada btw)
Good thing Nakada has been correctly tagged on this upload for 3 years