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ive always wondered what the colors are for? if the green represents shadow then what does the blue mean? or vice versa?
Noah_Henman said:
ive always wondered what the colors are for? if the green represents shadow then what does the blue mean? or vice versa?
Their meaning always varies depending on the artist and production.

As in this case looking at the launch trailer compositing, the greens are dark shades, the the blues are lighter/brown shades, and the reds are obviously highlights.

Usually they use about three colors to identify those things, but it can go even as far as five, six or even seven different colors, especially nowadays with digital animators. Take this Imai cut as an example There is a lot going on but if you check the parent post you notice that both Yellow and Orange were used as highlights for two different things, light blue was used as a primary shadow, light brown was a primary shadow specifically for the skin, green and a blue outline for outside shadow but it can also be used as a black for objects or detail on characters, and finally red for sparks and effects. Tho this is just Imai because he is a digital animator and just normally he has ridiculously detailed genga. But even with someone like Tanaka just traditionally you can still notice some of those same things, so it is also more of a thing specific to Wit Studio . But like I said, it all depends on the production and the artists themselves.

I hope I was helpful, have a good day.