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Masuda for todoroki on the ice/jumping on Chimera
Source: https://twitter.com/nobumasu2/status/1283930940348096514?s=20

edit: genga for the cut @0:45 (asui jumping towarsds camera) looks very much like Anzai's handwriting
This is confirmed as he would've brought up the mistake here https://twitter.com/syun2005a2/status/1503017423087484930?t=B0KXI5YCXo8TXa6VC7pOxg&s=19

the cut @0:54 is in the action gengashuu so it could be:
内田直人, 杉本幸子, 堀内球子, 伊藤優希, 吉川知希, 倉本和希, 神谷智大, 吉井勝也