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Great 2D stuff but did anyone else feel like Shinkai overdid it with the CG camera movements an vehicles in this film. Way more than in Your Name and imo less well intergrated and more jarring. Idk maybe the schedule was tighter and they couldnt polish the blend as much
GKalai said:
Great 2D stuff but did anyone else feel like Shinkai overdid it with the CG camera movements an vehicles in this film. Way more than in Your Name and imo less well intergrated and more jarring. Idk maybe the schedule was tighter and they couldnt polish the blend as much
From what I heard, they were working on this film right up until its first screenings. Some scenes probably did lose out on some polish for the sake of getting the movie finished
GKalai said:
Great 2D stuff but did anyone else feel like Shinkai overdid it with the CG camera movements an vehicles in this film. Way more than in Your Name and imo less well intergrated and more jarring. Idk maybe the schedule was tighter and they couldnt polish the blend as much
As long as the CG looks good then I don’t have a problem with it.