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This whole episode speaks to me so, so much, LOL. I also love the subtle timing and body motions as Charlotte runs out the door at the end. Very mindful of the background art.
Yoo, I didn't animate the first cut (the intense close up running) but I did the rest. I'm glad it's in the booru! - maxi_anims
maxi said:
Yoo, I didn't animate the first cut (the intense close up running) but I did the rest. I'm glad it's in the booru! - maxi_anims
That run through the door after she drops off the baby with her mother is my favorite part. That slight shift from side-to-side in her balance you added really gives the who shot weight.
JulieYBM said:
That run through the door after she drops off the baby with her mother is my favorite part. That slight shift from side-to-side in her balance you added really gives the who shot weight.
Ahh! Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
0:00 - 0:01.7: Hiroaki Nakamichi
0:01.7 - END: maxi