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Why is Iwane being corrected? I hate it when an animators exaggerations are removed, especially if it ruins a talented animators work.
Alberto said:
Why is Iwane being corrected? I hate it when an animators exaggerations are removed, especially if it ruins a talented animators work.
I think executives force them to present the first appearance of a major mechanic or piece of merchandise as on-model as possible. It's also possible that Iwane Masa'aki is now being given less time to animate episodes and that hurts when there are so many lines.
JulieYBM said:
I think executives force them to present the first appearance of a major mechanic or piece of merchandise as on-model as possible. It's also possible that Iwane Masa'aki is now being given less time to animate episodes and that hurts when there are so many lines.
I'm really hoping it's just this episode only and not every solo he will do from now on.