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This is from S01 E09 - Captain Bobaroo. TMS did the first episode of this series, but aren't credited for other episodes. However, this action sequence feels very TMS to me. Does anyone know anything more about who animated this episode?
Jellybit said:
This is from S01 E09 - Captain Bobaroo. TMS did the first episode of this series, but aren't credited for other episodes. However, this action sequence feels very TMS to me. Does anyone know anything more about who animated this episode?
afaik, most of the episodes were by DiC's then in-house Japanese team KKC&D. They might have used TMS as an uncredited subcontractor for certain parts to ease the load on the studio though.
I saw AlfTales as a kid, but I didn’t remember the animation being this good. Excellent sense of mass in the way the alien sumo wrestlers move.