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A craftsman at his peak.
back in the days, when I first saw this movie, I came back to this part and rewatched it like 10 times in a row xD
his use of perspective is crazy. Things coming towards the camera feels like it has so much momentum. The composition is brilliant as well. Can't believe I only found this now.
Good lord. So much of this is on 1s, too... The entire sequence is absolutely astonishing, particularly with the continuous control of lighting and the background animation in places where you wouldn't normally find it (even in movies). I wonder how long it took for this sequence to be drawn....
What’s going on at 0:57? The background looks 3d but there’s no 3d_background tag. There’s no way that’s animated, so is it some kind of trick with the painted background that they’re doing?
The planet is just a normal painted background but the structure itself may be a 3D element? Regardless, it's a component of the scene that nearly breaks into the foreground, so it doesn't really meet the qualifications for the 3d_background tag. A cgi tag might be warranted, but I'll leave that up to a more discerning eye
pretty much what MerrBear said^

Its so minor that I dont feel that it needs a tag