Date May 10, 2015 User pkoduah Rating Safe Score 31
Overlapping action, follow through, drag & smooth paths of action
The effects animation for these old animations is so different. It's a bit cruder, but more expressive and stylized than today's fare. But I like it, especially the white paint spray effect. Would be cool to see someone revive these effects for a contemporary/retro hybrid, kind of like how the Metropolis anime did with character designs.
I've read that sometimes animators would spend some time with a paintbrush to help create some of these effects, as opposed to leaving it up to the paint department.
Kraker2k said:
I've read that sometimes animators would spend some time with a paintbrush to help create some of these effects, as opposed to leaving it up to the paint department.
How would they do that exactly? (If you have visuals feel free to link to that)
pkoduah said:
How would they do that exactly? (If you have visuals feel free to link to that)
I might be misremembering, but I read an interview once where Obari said that for Dancouga, he used a highlight brush to enhance the effects on one of his scenes and for another he regrets not painting a scene himself as the end result was not something he wanted.
Kraker2k said:
Obari said that for Dancouga, he used a highlight brush to enhance the effects on one of his scenes
A highlight brush as in the one women use for makeup? Using that to flick paint onto the cels?
Yeah, it's great character animation, but I know why you guys REALLY favorited this.
Crimes against humanity?
The lighting at the end looks like a music video.
Artist unkown, that kyoani animator never fails to deliver
Toeibros, is that Tomita for the 2nd half with the Bearguy?
Kraker2k said:
Toeibros, is that Tomita for the 2nd half with the Bearguy?
Yeah, Bearguy part looks like Tomita.
Yeah, Bearguy part looks like Tomita.
Thanks Murad.
Date May 6, 2015 User osama___a Rating Safe Score 45
Control the hype, it's just a PV!
makeoffr7 said:
Date May 4, 2015 User paeses Rating Safe Score 0
Tanaka working with the one who inspired him.
so it was done by tanaka !
it really was the best scene in the episode .
Date May 3, 2015 User noots_ Rating Safe Score 0
I really liked the minimal compositing work on this anime
Date May 3, 2015 User kViN Rating Safe Score 0
Enishi Oshima had no KA credit this week, but he was AD and this looks similar to his work. Might have corrected it at least.
Thought this might've been Bahi's work. Looks great.
Despite 'BOOM' only showing up for a single frame, you can clearly see it during the cut. Usually impact frames are much harder to notice.