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I believe this is Karasawa. He’s credited on the episode, and combine that with the detailed hands in this scene plus the lack of tweens in the beginning when Meruem and Netero fly up makes me think it’s probably him.
alllex said:
I believe this is Karasawa. He’s credited on the episode, and combine that with the detailed hands in this scene plus the lack of tweens in the beginning when Meruem and Netero fly up makes me think it’s probably him.
I don't want to sound rude, but I think that's too good to be him. However, I can understand why you think it might be him. At least, you put the presumed tag, so we just have to hoping one day for an answer or a confirmation.
Probably Toshiyuki Sato
I've always thought this was Sato, at least the circus part
ftg said:
Probably Toshiyuki Sato
Yeahhh, I feel I may have jumped the gun here. I’m leaning more towards Sato now too. In any case, I’ll untag Karasawa and put it back to Artist Unknown until something more concrete pops up.
I really love this cut, one of the best hunter x hunter and I think it's toshiyuki Sato
Confirmed neither Sato nor Kanno, potentially someone NC?
One of the ADs of the episode thinks Yasuhiro Aoki could've animated here. He has a separate credit and we know it's neither Sato nor Kanno, so it would make sense... Anyway, this will probably stay unknown so at least I tried lol
first two cuts belong to the previous scene and are also stills, I think the crazy fighting definitely could be Aoki, and I would lean toward it being his work, but its hard to say for sure when he has so few confirmed uploads.

edit: Just noticed the first cut in post #32751, the smoke effect is identical and also idiosyncratic enough to be meaningful