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This guy never misses an opportunity to outdo himself holy crap
Vincent didn't have to go this hard but he did anyway. Is that colored pencil for the Mr 1 cut?
FierceAlchemist said:
Vincent didn't have to go this hard but he did anyway. Is that colored pencil for the Mr 1 cut?
I imagine he had a lot of fun animating this one. Unironically, one of my favorites from him i would say
I've realized Vincent likes to tell a story with his animation. A lot of the cuts, not all,that he handles always show the past of the characters on screen in some form, especially in One Piece. Be it Gear 5, King, Mr. 1 and some others.
The lineless cut at 0:37 is so sick
Sick as always. Why does 0:23 look so familiar?
Always experimenting, always adapting, always learning... I feel unworthy being allowed to watch the work of a figure in animation history in the making.
hand to hand combat with so so so much rotation! I am absolutely blown away. The entire sequence is still playing in my head
fkin lovely honestly i thought maybe eemi was working alongside vincent since i saw him or someone on insta confirming that eemi worked on this episode not sure if 100% true still this is amazing
22 tweet long thread from Vincent discussing the scene

I worked on Michibata-san' episode!
AD was Takagi-san and Matsuda-san for Zorro
Aoki-san helped us a lot with his quick reaction and his trust despite the tight schedule! Hoshi-san also helped us prepping for the analog cut
It was fun going back to the kind of scene i used to do
I swear this man is unstoppable
I love the use of after-images from Chansard here too.
This might actually be my favorite scene so far with Vincent. Absolutely insane
This in 0.8x looks so much better. Vincent's animations timings are too fast, I wish they were a bit slower to appreciate the details of the frames better.
Chansard what in hell.