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FBarra said:
Jin Kim animated the butterflies, according to Sam Levine.
Incredible animation aside, the composite on display is amazing. The digital particles are perfectly implemented.
Besides the elk antlers, what else is CGI in this sequence?
The composition confuses me a lot
grardox said:
Besides the elk antlers, what else is CGI in this sequence?
The composition confuses me a lot
in this post, the grass particles coming out of her arms are generated using Houdini’s particle system, which was a pretty novel thing at the time. The first bunch of flowers she summons here might also be a cgi and 2d blend, and the smaller butterflies before the close up may be cgi (the butterflies in post #251187 100% are cgi)

More details here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/msdn-magazine/2005/may/%7B-end-bracket-%7D-on-being-crew-for-fantasia-2000
MuddyYoshi said:
in this post, the grass particles coming out of her arms are generated using Houdini’s particle system, which was a pretty novel thing at the time. The first bunch of flowers she summons here might also be a cgi and 2d blend, and the smaller butterflies before the close up may be cgi (the butterflies in post #251187 100% are cgi)

More details here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/msdn-magazine/2005/may/%7B-end-bracket-%7D-on-being-crew-for-fantasia-2000
That's very interesting information, thanks!