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This episode has some amazing animations.
I wonder if they'll do a director's cut of the 11th episode? I heard that they weren't able to complete it fully because of time constraints.

Here's what I was talking about (major spoilers):
They're not doing a "director's cut" of anything. They're simply finishing and correcting all episodes as intended. Whatever aired on TV was not to anyone's satisfaction, which is why they delayed all the BD/DVD releases after Vol2 for 3 months. Umetsu, Abe, and the rest of the chief animation directors have been hard at work making sure everything is finished this time.

Episode 8 here is probably a good example of what we can expect from the completed episode 11 - the original TV broadcast was also very obviously missing cuts and details because they weren't completed in time. This particular sequence for example, looked nothing like this in the TV version. The cut where she flips on her back and the one at the end where she is breaking apart were completely redrawn from scratch. Episode 11 is much worse in that aspect, but they've have a lot of time to fix stuff, and Umetsu says they're almost done with correcting the final episode now.