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0:10.7 - 0:11.2 豪D LO/GENGA

0:14.1 - 0:15 mengsu_tsai LO/GENGA

0:28.2 - 0:29.9
LO/GENGA hsu_injia
GENGA ching-hsiang_weng/pinqiao_tseng
0:00 - 0:11.2 : Jingyi Guan
0:11.3 - 0:14.1 : Road Sign. (from 0:11.9 to 0:14.1 LO only for the background character, and LO + Genga for the foreground Amiya)
0:14.1 - 0:15.7 : Mengsu Tsai (LO+ Genga)
0:15.8 - 0:19 : Matsuura Masaki
0:19.1 - 0:24.9 : Ogata Ai
0:23.5 - 0:29.4 : Road Sign (foreground Amiya Only, LO only)
0:28.2 - end : Hsu Injia (Background animation)

Iluvatar said:
0:00 - 0:11.2 : Jingyi Guan
0:11.3 - 0:14.1 : Road Sign. (from 0:11.9 to 0:14.1 LO only for the background character, and LO + Genga for the foreground Amiya)
0:14.1 - 0:15.7 : Mengsu Tsai (LO+ Genga)
0:15.8 - 0:19 : Matsuura Masaki
0:19.1 - 0:24.9 : Ogata Ai
0:23.5 - 0:29.4 : Road Sign (foreground Amiya Only, LO only)
0:28.2 - end : Hsu Injia (Background animation)

Do you know who drew the background character at 0:25.0 - 0:28.1?