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Heavy corrections by Yong-Ce Tu
the debris looks very masami mori like. doubt he had anything to do with it though cause it looks like he on next episode
Looks like Miki for me
The debris is straight up Tatsuya Miki.
Gnome said:
Looks like Miki for me
trackstars said:
The debris is straight up Tatsuya Miki.
Looks nothing like his work but also you can see digital artifacts in the effects so it literally cant be Miki
PurpleGeth said:
Looks nothing like his work but also you can see digital artifacts in the effects so it literally cant be Miki
Why would that specifically indicate it cant be Miki? Didn't he already use digital fx before like here for example with the clouds: ( https://www.sakugabooru.com/post/show/132284 ) At first glance I felt like it looked like Miki aswell imo so not sure what it is that you seem to think its so obvious in here ngl, I'm just not seeing anything that particularly stands out that would indicate that.
SkippyTheRobot_ said:
Miki wasn't even credited
Ah then my bad, it was just gut feeling, didn't look at the credits.
oriolvp_ said:
Why would that specifically indicate it cant be Miki? Didn't he already use digital fx before like here for example with the clouds: ( https://www.sakugabooru.com/post/show/132284 ) At first glance I felt like it looked like Miki aswell imo so not sure what it is that you seem to think its so obvious in here ngl, I'm just not seeing anything that particularly stands out that would indicate that.
everything 2D in this GoHS scene is analog. You might be mistaking CG work that was added by the satsuei/CG team for something he drew but that's not the case
PurpleGeth said:
everything 2D in this GoHS scene is analog. You might be mistaking CG work that was added by the satsuei/CG team for something he drew but that's not the case
Really? the clouds at 0:49-0:53 of that GoHS scene look essentially identical to the digital fx in this post or Yoshiharas usual digital smoke so I just assumed it was the same thing. Didn't know it was a post-production thing added after the fact.
I definitely wouldn't say essentially identical myself, but a basic noise pattern like that or like the ones Yoshihara uses aren't difficult to do. They're incorporated in anime more often than you realize

probably one of the best examples are the clouds in Star Drivers arena
Well yeah I see they are not actually identical lmao but they seemed to be made the exact same way so I thought that just like in Yoshihara's case, the animator was responible for it and not the CG team or someone else later down the line. Turns out it isn't the case then, pretty cool, thx for the info.
do the debris not count as yutapon cubes???