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This is crazy good, is that a chinese animator, many chinese show have crazy dynamics cuts recently
Really impressive animation and stellar artwork but man I wish they'd ease up on the motion blur
bruh wtf is this show, first time im hearing about this.
Happen to be an animator worked on this project so It's really glad that it shows on here and someone enjoyed it. ;)

This scene is from "Fox Spirit Matchmaker", and made by an animation studio in Taiwan called R.Animation.
There is some cool stuff on the company's twitter :D
Sky1113 said:
Happen to be an animator worked on this project so It's really glad that it shows on here and someone enjoyed it. ;)

This scene is from "Fox Spirit Matchmaker", and made by an animation studio in Taiwan called R.Animation.
There is some cool stuff on the company's twitter :D
Wait, are you the animator that worked on this ?
MerrBear said:
Really impressive animation and stellar artwork but man I wish they'd ease up on the motion blur
Yeah, it boggles me when I see excessive motion blur when there's like, you know... smearing available