Takashi Mukouda in NewGame ep 7 ?
There are two cuts in the episode, that looks very like him to me :



The way faces are overly elastic doesn't really match the rest of the series I think. These cuts also stands out because it pays very few attention to the suposed chara-designe, as if the animator just couldn't contain his personality. It is characteristic of latest Mukouda's work imo, especially of what he did at DK during this period. In Mikagura Gakkuin (where he is not credited either [On ANN at least]), his cuts seem like they were taken from an other anime, and pushes in the very same direction, with subliminal weird faces poping from nowhere (I call them Mukouda Faces lol, I have dozens of those). Here is a comparaison of the faces from NG, and two others taken from Mikagura (https://www.sakugabooru.com/post/show/26675) and Haikyuu S4 (https://www.sakugabooru.com/post/show/110946) , that are known to be his work.


Mouth placement, eyes shape, and general timing are so similar, I really got convinced the same man is behind all those scenes.

But the thing is that I'm probably wrong, it is very unlikely to have two random Mukouda cuts lost into a show he is not credited for. And it's the kind of hypothesis i'd love to share with other people, so I can be corrected, so I can learn from them how to asses more precisely the value of my thoughts.
So I ask, and somehow this is the main topic of this post (aha), are they online communities, places or such, where I could share and confront this kind of mondain thoughts, or unfounded theories ? It is somehting I really enjoy doing, and I bet it would be even better if I 'm not alone.
Doing so here, in SakugaBooru comment's section dos not really seem appropriate (I tried to upload the two cut here, but it's been remooved (for good reason, I understant it is no place for this), as everithing that is said is more serious and informative.
Also, where (I mean, online) could I possibly buy production materials or Animation/Genga books (or at least an inventory of what exists; the only way I found at the moment is to go to the Junku Library as soon as I have the oportunity to go to Paris, and spend hours searching for anything that could be interesting among endless shelves of books all in japanese (As I don't know what exists, I don't know what I want, and as I bearly read Kanas and most of the books are still sealed, I cant look inside, and it takes forever to findout what the books is about, and I go one by one this way.), but it's a twice-in-a-year thing).

Thanks for reading !
Either Discord or Twitter seems like the right place, depending on the kind of community experience you're looking for. Don't feel shy to do it in the comments section over here either, since that's sorta what it's for.
Thank you for your answer.

Yeah I realized twitter was a thing back when I began following you, and while I'm at it, your work is a blast to follow, and is very inspiring.