This doesn't look like Tomita
3bada said:
This doesn't look like Tomita
Ah is that so, I was taking a guess since the way the large smoke is drawn at about 0:06 looked similar to smoke that appears on episode 3: / (0:15 seconds) where Tomita also worked.
From 00:10 onwards its Sugie.
Think this might be Hisao Yokobori. The effect look similar to his work here:
Date May 14, 2015 User dragonhunteriv Rating Safe Score 85
That first cut must be a reference to the Futari wa PreCure Opening, given Nishio Daisuke directed both.
Date May 11, 2015 User SakugaDaichi Rating Safe Score 180
This is Hisashi Mori, right? The ball has the same sort of motion and outline.
best cut isn't included, blame the hardsub
I think the explosion is Yoshinari but somebody else can confirm.