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This must be Ishizuka. If not these are the heaviest corrections I've ever seen even on the effects and smoke.
I'm pretty sure i made a coment here asking why Ishizuka was not tagged here at least as AD, someone eliminated it manually or what happen?
This as to be ishizuka. I'm tagging him.
Superpipi13 said:
This as to be ishizuka. I'm tagging him.
Ishizuka has already been untagged from the post several times. He was AD for the ep as noted in the source field, so it's best to just leave it alone.
Maybe... Takeo Ide? Or Takagi.

I doubt they'd give such an important scene to anyone other than those two. Masayuki Uchiyama and Hitoshi Inaba are here too but I really doubt it's either of them. The part with the debris (at 0:38) reminds of Inaba's work (specifically his Z Movie #08 scene) tho.
I'm tagging ishizuka again cus he said drawing gear 2 was hard under a blueno birthday tweet
amirdrama said:
I'm tagging ishizuka again cus he said drawing gear 2 was hard under a blueno birthday tweet
Well yes, he was the AD on the episode and he more or less redrew other people's KA.
if Ishizuka redrew the key animation (specifically movement/effects/timing) here then it's fine to tag him while keeping the artist unknown. It was different several years ago but in recent years it's fair to tag an Animation Director if they have considerable amount of influence on the scene to where the original artist is more or less erased. Even modern OP uses the model (post #213016) and many like it, so judge according. (ignore me of 3 years ago up there)
Isn't this why the presumed tag is a thing?