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oh my god my eyes hurt i feel like i was flying
I couldn't actually put this vision on paper, even if I had it in my head. Imai is a god
animeadmirer15 said:
I couldn't actually put this vision on paper, even if I had it in my head. Imai is a god
The fact that Mikasa is staying almost at the same place in the frame but everything around her move while keeping their proportion and speed (even tho it's a fucking titan). Is so fucking insane, it's really a different way to show the speed and use of 3DM gear. Imai is insane
what I like about imai,is that he takes on challenges
he doesnt go for easy choreography,he always tries to incorporate the surroundings,different/creative changing angles,etc

he is ambitious
Imai boards his own scenes, right?
i really hope studio mappa will hire him for season 4
panos said:
i really hope studio mappa will hire him for season 4
i heard he got hired by JC staff to work as Action AD on one of their LN shows this season. Hope it's true.