quality guidelines

Don't upload content with fansubs and try to keep the video resolution the same aspect ratio as the original (4:3 & 16:9). It's quite important to respect the original framerate as well, to protect the intended timing of the animation.

A few other things to note:

  • MP4 is the mandatory video format. Gifs aren't accepted anymore and should be converted to MP4 before uploading.
  • Webm uploads aren't accepted anymore. Webm is natively supported on Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera. Other browsers will require 3rd party addons. Currently the booru only supports the vp8 codec for webm files.
  • Obviously, don't upload entire episodes of shows.
  • When uploading cuts, try and split them up and not just upload segments well over a minute long if possible that include elements that interrupt the flow (in the context of this website).
  • Do not make video files larger than 480p in resolution, we want to have content viewable on most screens.
  • Try to keep the bitrate high, we don't want videos with compression artifacts. It may take a bit of experimentation to find the right balance. In most cases, setting the CRF to 15 or 16 should be enough for best quality/size balance.
  • Most importantly, strip the audio & subtitles from your file since we don't allow videos with audio (or subs) in them.
  • If you edit with Adobe Premiere, Vegas Pro or Davinci Resolve Studio, we recommend using the Voukoder plugin for more encoding settings and optimal file size/quality.
01/02/2024 Update: If you're new to booru, or if your videos are failing to upload or have any noticeable issues, it's highly recommended to test them on Booru Video Checker before uploading. Read below on this page on how to fix common exporting issues.

04/04/2023 Update: Here's a new, updated version of sakuga encoder with a modern GUI and custom presets (thanks ftLoic). Click here and download the latest available version under "Assets". The old version is available below for archival reasons only.

04/05/2014 Update: We now support the mp4 container. Much like webm, files uploaded with audio will be denied. Same rules as above apply. And while not mandatory, here's an easy tool for newbies to encode their mp4 files for the booru. (This is deprecated, see note above)

  • We only support mp4 files encoded with the 8bit h264 codec. Sorry 10bit.
When encoding your clips keep the following in mind:

=For 16:9 video=
Keep the resolution round 848~854x480. The most important thing is that the aspect ratio should be as close as possible to the original video. Resolutions that are effectively wider can get away with a larger resolution while still sticking to 480 pixels of height, because enough users misunderstood (or were very cheeky about) the 480p indications so now it's just something we've already accepted. Your win, users.

=For 4:3 video=
Keep the resolution around 640x480.

Try and avoid uploading videos with pixellation and lossy encoding issues.

IMPORTANT: About colorspaces
When uploading videos from HD (1080p) sources, it's important to set the colorspace to bt709. If you don't do this, the booru player will assume your video uses bt601 (SD video colorspace) and show incorrect colors. Use MediaInfo to check the colorspace of your video: just drag the video, set to "Tree" view and see if "Matrix coefficients" uses the correct setting.
  • If you use the latest version of Sakuga Encode, it already has FFmpeg presets with the correct colorspace depending on your source.
  • If you already exported a video with incorrect colorspace and just want to change the tag, use this command to change it (right click the text, click "Save As" and remove the ".txt" from the file name). Just drag your videos to the .bat and it will create a new video with the correct space in the same folder as the original. (FFmpeg needs to be installed for this to work)
  • If you use Avidemux 2.8 or above, go to video output > configure > go to the very last tab (called "output 2") and you'll see 3 options: "Colour Primaries" / "Transfer Characteristic" / "Colour Matrix", set all 3 to "BT 709 (HD)".
  • If you use Voukoder, go to Filters > Add > Colorspace, it will use the same colorspace as your original video.

See also: Encoding and Uploading Tips


Known Issues

  • Recent versions of Avidemux sometimes show the wrong nominal framerate after encoding (such as showing 24.012... instead of 24.0). This is a minor issue that doesn't affect the actual framerate of the video, but it's recommended to use Sakuga Encode to avoid it.
  • Blender Video Editor (VSE) has an unknown compatibility issue that can cause MP4 videos to get glitched/pixellated when viewing frame-by-frame or be unplayable in certain browsers. If you prefer to use Blender for editing, re-encode your video on Sakuga Encode after exporting to avoid issues.

If your video is failing to upload, check the following:

  • Are you using the correct file type (MP4) and codec (8bit h264)?
  • Is your video above the file size limit of 70 MB? (subject to change, try to keep below 50 MB)
  • Does your video have an audio track?
  • Is your video bigger than 480 pixels of height?
Updated by gammaton32 5 months ago