Deleted Posts

Post User Tags Reason
83887 Xqwzts animated artist_unknown bishoujo_senshi_sailor_moon bishoujo_senshi_sailor_moon_s debris effects smoke fps, better quality at parent post
83888 Xqwzts animated bishoujo_senshi_sailor_moon bishoujo_senshi_sailor_moon_s effects liquid mamoru_kurosawa fps, better quality at parent post
84084 Xqwzts animated bishoujo_senshi_sailor_moon bishoujo_senshi_sailor_moon_s effects hair henshin rotation yoshihiro_kitano fps, better quality at parent post
115242 Xqwzts animated artist_unknown bishoujo_senshi_sailor_moon bishoujo_senshi_sailor_moon_s effects fighting kanada_light_flare presumed rotation running smears wind yoh_yoshinari split artists
184733 ENstudio animated artist_unknown effects yu-gi-oh! yu-gi-oh!_zexal nothing much
228392 Mish animated artist_unknown craig_of_the_creek effects fighting liquid smears western basic animation
228545 Mish animated artist_unknown creatures fighting helluva_boss running smears web western nothing special
232867 Capitãotoalha berserk_animated besicrild character_design production_materials settei western no need
27945 dragonhunteriv animals animated character_acting creatures dancing michio_mihara performance the_cat_returns full scene at parent post
27941 dragonhunteriv animals animated character_acting creatures the_cat_returns toshiharu_sugie starts late
27939 dragonhunteriv animals animated character_acting creatures fighting norio_matsumoto the_cat_returns unedited scene at parent post
27938 dragonhunteriv animated character_acting michiyo_suzuki the_cat_returns more cuts at parent post
27936 dragonhunteriv animals animated character_acting creatures kazutaka_ozaki running the_cat_returns walk_cycle overedited, more cuts at parent post
27935 dragonhunteriv animals animated character_acting creatures miwa_sasaki the_cat_returns walk_cycle last cut ends early
27933 dragonhunteriv animals animated atsushi_sekiguchi character_acting creatures the_cat_returns walk_cycle full scene at parent post
27932 dragonhunteriv animated character_acting tetsuya_nishio the_cat_returns one more cut
16596 dragonhunteriv animals animated creatures crowd running shinji_otsuka the_cat_returns walk_cycle full scene at parent post
27934 dragonhunteriv animals animated character_acting creatures shinji_otsuka the_cat_returns missing cuts, full scene merged at parent post
10833 duckroll animated character_acting uchuu_senkan_yamato_2199 yamato_series yoshihiko_umakoshi bq, webm
254601 Kazuradrop animated character_acting uchuu_senkan_yamato_2199 yamato_series yoshihiko_umakoshi full
12610 kyouray animated artist_unknown creatures effects fire junketsu_no_maria split, more, bq
256728 Kazuradrop animated artist_unknown character_acting creatures effects fire junketsu_no_maria presumed yasunori_miyazawa
256746 ken animated effects explosions kazuhiro_miwa liquid missiles my_hero_academia presumed smears smoke
256499 bigman animated artist_unknown effects fighting morphing my_hero_academia smears smoke great first cut but the rest isnt on par
256682 Kazuradrop animated artist_unknown fighting smears wind_breaker perspective issues, floaty, poor drawings and movement