I think this guy did solo KA, storyboards on "Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken" episode 11.

Loved his work on Dan'na. It's a fun little series but I was very pleased to see them actually break from their usual models and let someone bring Kaoru-tan's anguish to the surface through someone's unique style.
Habarudo said:
I think this guy did solo KA, storyboards on "Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken" episode 11.

For the last few years Imazaki's been working a lot on short anime, both in his own series where he does basically everything (AiMaiMi/Catastrophe) and other shorts that he either completely hijacks or does cool one-offs like that. I hope he gets a full production because he's crazy talented.
Date Jan 1, 2015 User shushutto Rating Safe Score 0
Date Dec 31, 2014 User Galap Rating Safe Score 90
This is probably the most interesting reference I've seen an anime make: it's the solution to the long standing topology problem of sphere eversion (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_w4HYXuo9M). It's the climatic moment of the series, and it fits very well with what's going on, and I think it's a really interesting choice to make it be specifically that.
Date Dec 31, 2014 User osama___a Rating Safe Score 19
Tomioka hiroshi credit for KA in this episode, but I don't know if he did this or not
Date Dec 30, 2014 User kyouray Rating Safe Score 94
2ch :
c1~5 岩崎たいすけ なびきに注目
c7(上下の画面分割) 生姜
c9~10(自転車) 田澤 
c13(食卓) ちゃろ
C16~18(男サイド) トミー
c19~20(勉強カット) 鈴木 ロトスコ
c21(女の子の走り) 生姜
c22~26(女の子の勉強カット前まで) 下谷先生
c43~47(おっさんの所から足のアップ前まで) トミー
Source seems legit, I guess it comes from C87's key animation book. This cut was already confirmed by Tanaka.
The scene after this has some great character animation.
This is my first upload, so do tell me if I missed some tags or anything.

I apologize for the video quality, but it looks like this was only released in VHS and I doubt there are better sources out there...
Everything looks okay, in case you didn't know who animate it put "artist_unknown" tag.
Date Dec 27, 2014 User lovcrimson Rating Safe Score 0
Re-upload of this: http://sakuga.yshi.org/post/show/126/
I changed the original 'wolfsmoke' tag to 'cloud yang'(aka Jin-roh) since we talk about animators not the studio behind the animation.

Now I've done my today's uploads. All these uploads are organized under the 'eastern' tag. So if you find any well-animated scenes from non-Japanese eastern countries(Korea, China, etc), please use this tag to make them easy to find. Thanks :)
Thanks for uploading this stuff.
Date Dec 26, 2014 User spad Rating Safe Score 42
Woah, where the heck is this from?
Inumaroboya, he disappeared long time ago.
He was beside Ryo-Chimo one of the first web-animators.
I wonder if he became a professional animator.


His channel with all his amateur works
Oh, so he did that Street Fighter fan animation, too. Nice.
Is this actually by Norio Matsumoto? Isn't it just Inumaroboya emulating Matsumoto's style?
Kraker2k said:
Is this actually by Norio Matsumoto? Isn't it just Inumaroboya emulating Matsumoto's style?
I'm thinking you're right. Wasn't this clip from his Street Fighter short?